Saturday, November 26, 2016

CCC Podcast: Episode 7: After giving thanks, now it is time to Fight!

Welcome to the newest CCC podcast, today Zwerg and I talked about the push towards getting the electoral college to prevent a fascist regime. Social issue such as humanities need to be right over truly being so. We talk about how further humanity could be if wed get over the need to divide one and other. Tune in and enjoy!

Cast and Crew (for this episode)


Listen here:

See you all next week and Have a great weekend from the entire CCC crew!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Episode six: The Resistance

Welcome to the latest edition of the CCC podcast, we are just some of the new voices to the Resistance. What is the resistance you ask? Stop fucking playing you know what happened on November 8th 2016, we must strive never to normalize this fascist regime. This election may end up stolen for an incompetent and his racist bigoted brigade, but we are the voice of Democracy and will not let it completely die. We talk about culpability, Mike Pence being called out by the cast of Hamilton, how to deal with the changing society and protect one and other. We talk about the non voters and how being active should not happen only when bad happens. And how wed rather have bleeding hearts than closed minds. Tune in and enjoy!

Listen here:

Cast and Crew

Panther Goddess
The Left Hand aka I Eat Frailty
I'M Listening aka Dark Phoenix

Here are some links to places you can check out and donate to to help the cause against the upcoming tyranny:

Disabled American Veterans
Support Undocumented Students
Planned Parenthood
Feeding America
The Center for Reproductive Rights Petition to the Electoral College
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Southern Poverty Law Center
Anti-Defamation League

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Panther Goddess

To our dearest family member, may your day be filled with love and smiles. Happiest Birthday wishes to you Panther Goddess. *hugs* and Love!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Episode 5: Fight Fascism Before its Too Late!

In this extended edition CCC podcast, we break down the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election. We talk about the week of abject fuckery done in the name of hate since the potential president elect Donald Trump's supporters feel validated in their hate. We talk about the GOP strategy that landed us in this hot water. We take on the finger pointing, the racism deniers and break down why we should still fight to stop Trump from taking office. We have until December 19th to make a move, which side of history do you want to be on? The side that did nothing and suffered? Or the side that...


Cast and Crew for this Episode

I'M Listening
The Left Hand

Some of the CCC crew wanted to be here for the show but unfortunately had real life needs come first shout out to Zwerg and Hotep and Imani we will hopefully have them back soon. 


Listen to the cast here:

And remember there is a petition on to petition the EC to respect the popular vote which Hillary won. We must do what we can to resist and fight this evil before it takes complete power!   Electoral College Petition

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Election day Special

So tonight our crew decided to get together while watching the election results, we talked about some of the social issues that have been on our mind. But then after seeing some of the results before things wrapped up it got real. So please tune in especially in the last half of the cast, We had a lot to say but the third part got real and raw. I know I am not the only CCC member right now with a great fear and sadness in my heart. But like the rest of our family we wont be giving up. Thank you to all of our listeners and we hope you enjoy this special cast.

*Warning adult language and content. May not be safe for work and is not intended for minors listeners*

Listen here:

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Crew Members

Panther Goddess
I'm Listening (aka Dark Phoenix)
Lefty (aka The Left hand/I Eat Frailty 

Shout out to all of our crew its going to be rough coming up ahead but we are going to stick together on this. Much love and respect to you all we will be taping a new aftermath cast on Saturday.

*Hotep had connection issues and had to drop early on in the show*

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Episode 4- *Special Edition* Turn Up On Fools!

Hey listeners, in this special edition CCC podcast Zwerg and Kalari two man talks on social issues, from the recent acts of hatred to all the foolishness we've dealt with on twitter this week. In this weeks hall of shame we welcome Chip aka BGNewman3, Josh _NYCJosh, Jerome, MvcHiphop (Or Mvcfakeassfuck as Kalari calls him.) And last but certainly least The0wens who is proof that people who say they don't "See color" actually really do and are racist to boot. We also have a frank discussion about autism and the effects an act of bullying and bigotry can have on a child with such. And a shout out to all CCC members new and old. So tune in and enjoy:

 *Warning strong language*

Cast and Crew

Panther Mystique**
Imani Ms Demand**
I'm Listening**
The Left hand (Lefty)**

**Were not in the cast today but are regular show contributors.**